ibyiwacu cultual village

Iby'Iwacu Cultural Village - Rwanda Cultural Tour

Iby’Iwacu Cultural Village Visit will give you a true taste of Rwandan Culture where you will have a great experience to interact with the local people around this village, see some of the cultural activities, and some beautiful projects employing and empowering the community and provide alternatives from poaching. Just located around Parc National des Volcans in Nyabigoma, Kinigi, Musanze district, Northern Province, Iby’Iwacu Cultural Village, is one of its kind that you should not miss out on your visit to volcanoes, not only showcases the village the Rwandan culture, way of living, how to make crafts and traditional dances

This  tour to Iby’Iwacu cultural village is one of the ways to get an insight into Rwandan culture, you can spare an extra day after your meeting or stay in Rwanda to visit this village.

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